Going On A First Date? Here’s The First Date Advice I Absolutely Swear By
Rarely do you get a second chance if you don’t say the right things
But what is good first date talk?
What is ok and what is definitely out of bounds?
Note: Honestly, a lot of women do and say the wrong things on the first date. The most important thing you should remember is to relax and let him create the experience for you. If you want to know exactly how to do this, I recommend visiting this website, how to flirt effectively to get him to ask you out again.
There are some things you should (and shouldn’t) include in your first date talk if you want any chance of having a second:
- Give them a little bit of information about yourself – tell them what you do for a living, some activities you might enjoy or what your career aspirations are for the future.
- Ask your date questions about what they do for a living, what they enjoy doing in their spare time – sports they enjoy, hobbies they have or other interests (you can draw from this information during uncomfortable silences – more on this in a moment).
- Show interest in what your date is saying. With first date conversations, ask questions (without interrogating), use regular eye contact and smile often.
- Turn off your cell phone – there’s nothing worse than being part way through a conversation when your date’s phone rings.
- Find a topic you are both interested in and talk about that. It could be that this common interest will be the beginning of something beautiful!
- With first date conversations, avoid talking about politics or religion – these are better left for a date in the future.
- Go somewhere noisy where you can’t talk and get to know each other. Isn’t the point of a first date talk to get to know each other? Going to dinner somewhere quiet is usually a good destination for a first date.
- Tell them your entire life story, including the intricate details of your last relationship and why you broke up and how horrible your ex is, and how your cat died when you were seven. Leave this conversation for another time, a long way into the future!
- Talk the entire time about yourself – nobody likes someone who is completely self-absorbed.
- Use your phone or send text messages to a friend during your date – unless it is an emergency. You are there to get to know your date – not to catch up with friends.
- Interrupt your date when they are speaking. It is rude and really doesn’t give a good impression.
- Talk about your future together – it’s your FIRST date!! Give it a chance! Doing this is a surefire way to scare your date off!
DATER BEWARE: Your first date talk might not be all that interesting but don’t let that deter you from having a second date, unless you have just dated a complete jerk. Sometimes it takes time to get comfortable enough with a person to be your complete self. Try a couple of phone conversations before your second date.
MEGA TIP: First date talk should always be light and fun. Don’t worry about what the future holds, just enjoy his company.
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