Thanks for accessing this special post on Relationship Blackbook. As promised here are some small but very common mistakes that women make that could very well ruin their relationship their man of interest.
At the end, feel free to post your thoughts on these 8 mistakes.
1. Asking, “Where is this relationship going?”
Some women ask this question way too soon.
There is nothing wrong with trying to determine the destination for your relationship. Does he want to marry you? Is he just having fun? Does he see you as girlfriend material?
But you have to be strategic as to when you ask it and how you ask it. The very best time to determine this is on the first couple of dates. But you’re not going to ask it like that. You want to know what his goals are for dating. Is he dating to have fun? Is he looking for a relationship? What does he want out of a relationship?
This will let you know what his plans for you are. Which brings me to the second mistake:
2. Not being clear about goals for a relationship.
Within the first couple of dates or conversations you have with a man you are dating, you want to be honest about what you are looking for.
Are you looking for a committed relationship? Are you looking for anything serious or are you just dating to have some fun?
When you make sure these match very early on, you won’t have to ask the question at all because if he is looking for a committed relationship and sees you as someone he wants to enter into a commitment with, he will let you know very early on.
3. Sending mixed messages
This means telling him you just want to date around and aren’t looking for anything serious and then pressuring him later on to make a commitment.
4. Not making him feel appreciated
The best way to do this is to focus on what he has provided and not on him. When you focus on how great he is, you put pressure on him to reciprocate and it feels pretty weird with the adoration being one sided.
A better way to do this is to focus on what he has provided. If he baked you chocolate chip cookies, then talk about how good the cookies are and not how awesome he is. Try it! It works.
5. Being superwoman
This kills relationships really fast. Can you allow him to do things for you? If you are stopping him from opening doors or taking out your garbage because you, the superwoman, can do it, it makes him wonder what you need him for.
Allow him to do nice things for you and show him you appreciate him by saying, “Thank You” with a warm smile. This just brings him closer to you.
This also means that you shouldn’t try to equal things up or even worse, one up him (doing even more than he is doing) . Allow his attraction to grow by letting him do nice things for you.
6. Putting way too much on a few dates
Dating should be fun and low pressure. You are just in the initial stages of getting to know each other and you should not have fallen in love at this point .
Enjoy dating but make sure your “googly” eyes aren’t turned on too soon. This hurts your chances of really getting to know him because you have already envisioned him as your perfect mate.
7. Calling Him Too Much
Men who are interested will have no problem picking up the phone and calling you. He won’t want to lose the opportunity to date you again.
8. Settling for less
If there are some BIG red flags, be sure that you are not continuously dating the person thinking it will get better. Things rarely if ever do.
Having a list detailing your “ideal” man is going to be very helpful with this because someone else’s red flags may not be yours.
If he is missing your “must haves”, then it is best to end the dating early on as to not make the decision harder later on.
I heard a DJ on a radio show say “Be careful who you date, you just might fall in love”. This is so true, so if you are going to be tormented by the fact that he has 10 kids, and you said you wanted someone with no kids, stay away.
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