I have had a crush on a man for many years now. We actually dated briefly some years ago, but things didn’t work out.
After our relationship, he got married, but we still remained friends. Things started to go downhill with his marriage and he told me that when he got his divorce that he wanted me in his life.
I got really excited because it was like a dream come true.
He did divorce his wife and now he is in another relationship (not with me) and claims that he is in love and is ready to remarry.
I have doubts about this relationship because he still calls me and talks about our attraction to each other and sends flirty text messages and asks for pictures of me.
He’s currently out of state on work and I want to do as much as I can to bring his heart closer to me before he comes back and into the arms of his new woman.
I’m thinking I should send a daily email to remind him how I feel about him, but I feel I’ve already done all I can.
What would you suggest I do?
Guest Poster: Marvin Barrett
Marvin helps single women identify and avoid dating non-committal men and find their Mr. Right. He coaches women to identify the best places to meet the right men for them, read the signals men display when uncommitted and how to attract the right guy to approach them. Learn how to meet and find the right man for you.
This man is testing you to the hill and if you can’t see that then you’re in big trouble.
He is basically seeing whether he could still have you if he wanted and you are playing right into his little trap.
I don’t want to invalidate the feelings you have for this man because what you feel is probably real and comes from a sincere place but I gotta tell ya…
Leave this situation alone or pay the price later.
I believe you’re probably worth more but you are selling yourself short here and I think this man probably doesn’t value you enough to want to marry you. He wants to marry some other woman but not you. So regardless of the doubts you have about him remarrying, he’s not made you his number one. Instead, he wants pictures and flirty messages, he sees you as fun.
Let’s break this down for a second.
1. You dated briefly in the past but didn’t work out. (Cool, no problem here, these things happen)
2. Then he got married and after problems in his marriage, he got divorced. (Again, not a major problem, unless his wife divorced him because he cheated!)
3. After his divorce he told you he wanted you in his life. (Whatever that means!!! Where’s the ring for you? BIG PROBLEM HERE.)
4. Then you get excited because he was available again and describe this as a dream come true (fair enough, it’s understandable, no problem)
5. Following his divorce, he gets into ANOTHER relationship (not with you, although he had the option to) and plans to REMARRY. (Put another ring on another woman’s finger despite he’s pledge that he wants you in his life. He may say he wants you in his life but he sure doesn’t want to marry you.)
Can you see the problem here?
This man isn’t serious about you in the way that you are about him. I want you to GET this because if you continue entertaining this man, you’re going to get hurt.
After his divorce, he could have got with you, after all, he said he wanted you in his life but his actions tell a complete different story – he’s marrying another woman but wants you to send him sexy pictures of you -if the alarm bells aren’t ringing right now, they should be.
You’re falling for the sweet words and flirty text and picture messaging. You’re falling in love with the idea of being in love and that’s not good.
This man is running game on you and you need to see it for what it is.
This man just told you he’s in love and plans to remarry but sends you flirty texts and requests pictures of you…and you really WANT that to be your man? It’s up to you.
You need to see yourself being worth more and more deserving than that. This guy will never see you in the way you deserve because if he did, he would be backing up his words with actions (i.e. remarrying with you, not another woman)
Two words…..move on.