A lot of times during attraction, you will find that a man will be initially attracted to you and show you genuine signs that he is into you and after a few weeks of dating it’s like he didn’t even share that initial interest.
What happened? You were having a good time and then everything stopped.
You may even consider talking to him about his “pulling away”, only to be given some half assed response about how he is busier these days or he’s had a lot on his mind.
But it doesn’t seem that this would cause a man to retreat like this. After all, you’ve been busy and have had a lot of things on your mind, but you made time for him.
This is super frustrating but there is a way to maintain the interest that you had when you first started to date him and even have him fall for you even more over the upcoming weeks.
In order to use this to your advantage you have to understand what makes a woman attractive to a man besides her looks.
A woman that has the ability to get commitment from a man almost always has these 2 qualities about her. This is how she maintains his interest.
Exclusivity – I talk more about this in my free attraction mini course, but basically the idea is that a woman who is “exclusive” will hold a man’s attention longer.
This doesn’t mean trying to be someone you aren’t, but it does mean valuing your time. Here’s what I mean, if you have planned to go out with a group of your friends on a Friday night, keeping your date with them will keep him more interested in you than flaking on your friends and instead going out with him because “he can’t wait to see you.”
What that communicates to a man is that you value your time and that you aren’t waiting around for him.
One way you can do this is to keep your schedule full and know what you are doing from day to day.
Ever had someone ask you what were you up to on Friday and you said “nothing”? That communicates to the other person that you are easily accessible and they don’t value you as much.
Even if you aren’t going out to a big event, your time should be precious. Maybe you just plan to catch up on some reading or organize your closet.
This isn’t about playing games or pretending that you are busy, but it is about not being so accessible. If it’s one thing that kills attraction, it’s constant availability and being a the other person’s beck and call.
Your time together is more exciting when he’s not seeing you every single day. I’ll show you exactly how to navigate through these scenarios while being yourself when you sign up for my free attraction mini course here.
Standards – The second thing that keeps his interest is your level of standards. Some women mistakenly believe that by allowing him to do anything he wants to do that his love will grow closer.
This can’t be farther from the truth. A lot of times you don’t even have to verbally express your standards, just by your actions you let him know that you are a high quality woman and he has to “work” to get you; but it will be “work” he enjoys.
These two reasons explain the phenomenon of why some women who weren’t even interested in their great guys at first end up marrying them.
Think about it, when you aren’t interested in someone, you are less likely to fall head over heels for them and start doing things you wouldn’t normally do to get more of their attention.
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