Even If He Broke Up With You
When a boyfriend breaks up with you it is one of the most hurtful feelings you may experience. Especially if he has left you for another woman or seems to have lost all interest in you. You may feel that it is difficult to go on or you may even experience some physical pain from the break up.
Firstly, as tough as it may be, you will need to relax. It will be impossible to get your ex boyfriend back if you are overly emotional or have anger in your heart. It will just push him farther away.
I’m going to share with you exactly what needs to be done not only to get your boyfriend back but also to get him to pursue you. I am also going to share with you the number one mistake that you may be making that causes him to hold firm to his decision of not wanting a relationship with you.
Now before we start getting your ex boyfriend back I want to think back in the relationship and see if there were some warning signals that the break up was going to happen. Were there any concerns that your boyfriend expressed to you over and over again that you might have ignored or deemed unimportant? If you remember some concerns your ex boyfriend had, keep them in mind.
Now I want you to think about whether these were valid concerns or things you would be willing to change or do differently? If so, you may want to work towards getting your ex boyfriend back, but if you think the issues you were having in your relationship were serious and you are not willing to make the changes, it’s really not worth it getting him back. You may just feel hurt that he dropped the ball before you, in this case you will have to move on from the break up.
If you feel that you and your boyfriend were a great match and you want to get him back, here are three things that are necessary to warm his heart towards you again.
Let him breath
If he has broken up with you, give him a chance to breath. He likely feels that he had a good reason to break up with you. Give him a chance to see what life is like without you. A lot of times just giving him a week off or so will cause him to call you or contact you and want to go out with you again. Sometimes a break up is a way to get a break from the relationship for a while. It may not be that he is cheating or doesn’t want you, he just might want some breathing room, give it to him.
Use this time to focus on yourself and re-access your goals. Don’t continuously text or call him and let him know he made a big mistake or try to make him jealous by taking pictures of yourself with other men and posting it to your Facebook page. Let’s be civil about this. If you love him, you will give him the space he needs.
Fill it up
Along with giving him his breathing room, I want you to fill up your schedule with some things that you like to do. Hang out with friends, but be careful not to spend the whole time complaining about your break up, this will cause friends to want to create distance between you also. Create a full schedule so you have little time to think about the break up. Thinking about the break up will only cause you to want to contact him and pressure him into changing his mind or even contacting him to express your anger which both makes him move farther away from you.
Now this is going to be the most difficult. You may feel that your ex is the only man for you. But you will have to move out of that mindset. You will have to start thinking, “He could be the man for me or God could have someone better for me”. You have to be open to the fact that you may not get back together. You have to trust that everything will work out for the best whether you get back together or not.
You can love your ex boyfriend and still entertain the possibility there might be a better person for you in your future. When you start thinking in this way you are helping the situation because you are not dependent on him. You start working from a different perspective and your ex boyfriend will notice that you are calm and not “needing” him in order to be happy in life. This actually makes him want you more.
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